User information for "sneekfeet"

Maps 300 (Show all)
Rated Maps 69 (Show all)
Favorites 257 (Show all)
Featured Maps 4 (Show all)
Map Ratings
Total Ratings 906


Hi, I'm sneekfeet, AKA goatman. I'm an innovator, who doesn't generally enjoy the popular strands of communities for 'cookie cutter' philosophies and bullshit like that...

My favourite maps of my own are probably:

I make quite a few shit maps, but I like to think that these failures only build to a greater success. I'm an anarchist in political values. And I'm very much into minimalist mapping, and exploration of new concepts and innovation. Oh, and I make some fine jumpers.

I am constantly eager to collab with absolutely anybody. Just message me to do so. :)

Recent Maps

Thumbnail of the map 'you call me ugly, I'll call you fat' Thumbnail of the map 'dont' Thumbnail of the map 'gun to your' Thumbnail of the map 'an turban' Thumbnail of the map 'do it myself' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm a fucking unicorn'
you call me ugly, I'll call you fat dont gun to your an turban do it myself I'm a fucking unicorn