User information for "thecalcgenius"

Maps 1 (Show all)
Rated Maps 1 (Show all)
Favorites 42 (Show all)
Map Ratings
Total Ratings 16


Woah, I submitted a map. I had sworn that I wouldn't ever do one because every one I had made had been crappy, but obviously that failed.

Time to cry in a corner.

Recent Favorites

Thumbnail of the map 'Alright Now' Thumbnail of the map 'Wonka's Cane - CalcGenius Ded.' Thumbnail of the map 'Wonka's Cane - Tweaked.' Thumbnail of the map 'Exponential Growth' Thumbnail of the map 'Chinese Dragon-fish' Thumbnail of the map 'TheCalcGenius'
Alright Now Wonka's Cane - CalcGenius Ded. Wonka's Cane - Tweaked. Exponential Growth Chinese Dragon-fish TheCalcGenius