Classic Novelty

Thumbnail of the map 'Classic Novelty'

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Author stephan_smg
Tags 1-tiles author:stephan_smg e-tiles flowy race rated
Created 2007-08-19
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description The novelty of this race is that i only use 1 and E tiles. This classic NON LOOPY style race is very fun. plz rate and comment and lets see some AGD's. Also the flow may be hard to find so look at the demo if you get stuck.


resub cuz no one commented on last.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Are you alright?... ' Thumbnail of the map 'Diversity of Flow' Thumbnail of the map 'Flow Fixer Upper' Thumbnail of the map 'The Runnin Man' Thumbnail of the map 'The Idiot Box' Thumbnail of the map 'Massive Jumps/Drops'
Are you alright?... Diversity of Flow Flow Fixer Upper The Runnin Man The Idiot Box Massive Jumps/Drops


Pages: (0)

i liked this one right up til the end where all the doors appered... it ruined the look of the map and the atmosphere.

i am not going to hold that against the map because it is only a minor thing that i dont like.


how much flow a single 1 tile can have. This coulda been done better, but still worth a 3.5


sweet. thanks for the info, that fixed it. This is a great level, minimalist in its own right...especially in that you used only 1 & E tiles. Good job, keep up the good work. 4.


make sure when you load the map your cursor is not in the level data text box cuz when you press L it creates a NaN which causes your problem.

Demo Data


I'm having a problem where when I play this. The ninja just plain disappears when he hits the ground on the second fall-dowm, past the gauss. I wanna play it :(


Demo Data