Diversity of Flow

Thumbnail of the map 'Diversity of Flow'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author stephan_smg
Tags author:stephan_smg difficult diverse flowy hard race rated
Created 2007-07-07
Last Modified 2007-07-07
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description As you will notice in this race there is a few different types of flow. Also this is pretty difficult race forcing you to make quick and trusting jumps. The flow is good and there is no jump pads which is a first for me in big races :P RCE. PLZ RATE!!!

EDIT: Put in some doors to fix cheatability

-Flow Demo Included

Other maps by this author

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PRESSURE! 4 Mini Maps Criss Cross Flow Are you alright?... Guardians of the Underground Are you alright?...


Pages: (0)

first try

blarg. 3/5
Demo Data


the beginning sort of looks like that map but a little bit different.

u did good

NICE 5/5

beginning looks

a hell lot like, but still a great map. work on cheatablilty


Demo Data


Demo Data