The Escape Artist V2

Thumbnail of the map 'The Escape Artist V2'

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Tags author:redemption hard playable puzzle rated redemption
Created 2007-08-28
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description It is possible to reach the exit. I play-tested it several times. I'll submit a demo later on, so you guys can figure it out for yourselves beforehand. If it gets too frustrating, don't play. No one's making you. Unlike the original I removed excess mines to improve the loading time. And any whining or complaining stays with your parents, 'cause I clearly don't need that shit.

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thi is easy. dont even need to use half the map.... still too many mines. along the walls and floor u only need every other 1 youve got.

Demo Data


I'm only fifteen.

Sleeping already?

Shit I have work tomorrow :(
talk to u guys some other time, and make sum maps when u can. l8er

And Ryzor...

I know I made it sound really hard, but I only added that to the description 'cause my original pissed many off, so it's like some sorta "disclaimer" so to speak.

I did it again...

My computer is so damn slow... didn't know you commented again.

Still can't?

Did u get my other message with the instructions? 'cause I can't come up with a better explanation than the one below.

(directed to Brzium)


didnt see that you posted it alright, your maps, gone and taken all my brain power >.<


4. and it wasnt as hard as you claimed it to be in you description. But that didnt keep it from being fun.

I had fun.

heres the fastest I could do. I skipped alot.
Demo Data

No Prob

Its a thinker, and you just gotta keep at it. but, i still dont know how to play demos, any help on that one?


My computer is so slow, didn't even now you made another comment already and even rated my map. Thx by the way. :P

That's better.

First of all, load up my map by copying and pasting the code i provided in the "Map Data" box, then copy and paste my "Demo Data" into the lower box in edit mode (making sure you hit the L key earlier to load my map.) then hit the no. "3" to load the data. and finally, hit the the Q key to start the playback, and make sure CAPS lock is on and hit the P key to start up the demo.
Demo Data


Got it ;] 5/5


well, its basically the beginning, ive tried everything i could think of, but now that you have a demo, i just need to figure out how to see it >.<


Brzium, how can I give you a hint that would actually help, unless you told me where u were stuck.

Here's the demo

Don't watch it if you want to figure it out for yourself.
And I know the end of it is a little bit sloppy but u get the base idea by watching most of the beginning. Sorry, my friend was bugging me when i was recording, and I didn't want to make another.
Demo Data


Can i get a wee hint?


Maybe it is too hard...
I'll go and record that demo now.

2nd attempt.

Demo Data