No Enemies Eerie (except for spy gun with camera, like in Goldeneye)

Thumbnail of the map 'No Enemies Eerie (except for spy gun with camera, like in Goldeneye)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author HUH?
Tags author:huh? chainguns door-eerie doors-eerie playable rated tunnels
Created 2007-09-10
Last Modified 2007-09-10
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description What was originally a boring survivor map turned into a crazy tile-based door eerie. Go to the four points of the map, then come back around and wind your way through, backtracking and blocking off previous paths.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '*Stitches* ' Thumbnail of the map 'Actuzzle' Thumbnail of the map 'In the Works' Thumbnail of the map 'Hole 7' Thumbnail of the map 'Survival Test Playground' Thumbnail of the map 'semi-good on your luck'
*Stitches* Actuzzle In the Works Hole 7 Survival Test Playground semi-good on your luck


Pages: (0)

I love it

especially the part at the beginning with the chaingun drones.
they add too much lag. The map itself had a few slip-ups, but it was ok.


it proves my thory that chain gun drones are no more then harmless kittens to the expreinced ninja


clean non-fbf demo
Demo Data


fast fbf demo:
not even close to be perfect jet ;)
Demo Data


i'll keep this map for your sake, despite the sniping.
Why is it that all my good maps go unrated, and my so-so maps get sniped?! >:(
...but it got boring following the path.

I'd like to see a race in that style, though.


with a quite clean run.
This map is really entertaining me, thx :)
Demo Data
Why do people vote down and make no comments about improvements. MAN, now i know how 99turtle99 feels...

a bit faster...

Demo Data

messed up

Demo Data


I had fun playing this strange but interessting map: 4/5
2 demos; first: non-fbf, second: messed up fbf, which is quite funny to watch!
Demo Data