Showdown at Canossa

Thumbnail of the map 'Showdown at Canossa'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mirage
Tags author:mirage collaboration puzzle rated
Created 2007-09-30
Last Modified 2007-09-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Puzzle. Action. Number 50.

Midnight tiles. Shortshift objects. Cooby touch-ups.

But it's really Brttrx's map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Joint Twist' Thumbnail of the map 'Even Mighty Towers Dissolve Over Time' Thumbnail of the map 'Sheer Fate' Thumbnail of the map 'Venerable Bede' Thumbnail of the map 'Thriller Returns' Thumbnail of the map 'Slip Central'
Joint Twist Even Mighty Towers Dissolve Over Time Sheer Fate Venerable Bede Thriller Returns Slip Central


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but it has been deleted.
great job!
5aved again.
Demo Data
All creds to me.


for some reason the triple end didnt work :(


with a triple ending.....
5aved. love it. i love jumpers :D
Demo Data