SDY 02-0 - No, You May Not Walljump

Thumbnail of the map 'SDY 02-0 - No, You May Not Walljump'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sendy
Tags author:sendy playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-07-14
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Training for noobs (hence the early level number), or go for highscores in game mode :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Arrowhead' Thumbnail of the map 'Ziggy String' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Trickery ((sort of) easy version)' Thumbnail of the map 'Ceci n'est  Pas une Chambre' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tower of You're Not Special' Thumbnail of the map 'So Devious, So Nasty'
Arrowhead Ziggy String Electric Trickery ((sort of) easy version) Ceci n'est Pas une Chambre The Tower of You're Not Special So Devious, So Nasty


Pages: (0)

AGD (155.400)

(That's my time) I'VE WALLJUMPED. But not in the ones were the gaps are large, but in the frame. Twice.

I can do it faster but the level is SO easy that i don't wanna play it again. I don't blame you tough, you said it was for noobs.


PS: I want my special pack of virtual peanuts in the mail i left at the forum, please. Thank you Sendy.
Demo Data

My demo.

It was easy.
Demo Data


It's very possible to walljump. My map "Chalice of Malice" demonstrates the technique that Hydron used.


real walljump!
Demo Data


i was going for all gold, but now i'm too tired to try again.
Demo Data


am SOOO smooth...
Demo Data


That was a bounceblockjump... Or something... haha!!

Nice try but no cigar. Your tribute map is in the beginning stages of development though.


But people can certainly go faster.
Demo Data


I walljumped!
Demo Data


Special pack of virtual peanuts for anyone who walljumps in this room ;)