Part: 2: The Cave

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Author SPITFIRE70875
Tags author:spitfire70875 playable unrated
Created 2007-12-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description a cave full of gold and hiley trained gaurds are all that stand in the way of N and saftey but the olny exit is through the roof will N find the switch and escape. Yet again your skillz decide.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sad ending' Thumbnail of the map 'surf contest' Thumbnail of the map 'a bunch of trap doors N' twumps' Thumbnail of the map 'JUMP'N AROUND' Thumbnail of the map 'vision test' Thumbnail of the map 'Part 1: Escape'
Sad ending surf contest a bunch of trap doors N' twumps JUMP'N AROUND vision test Part 1: Escape


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i reckon this is PDG. some of the outlying gold is annoying, the exit switch should be moved, and you could maybe add some objectives or bonuses in the high sections of the map. anyway, good stuff.


Took a while though
Demo Data

quite a nice map

the drones didn't work too well though
Demo Data


Better the part 1 is all I can say...