ok,this is the last of the coolest DDR

Thumbnail of the map 'ok,this is the last of the coolest DDR'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author espada777777
Tags amazing author:espada777777 ddr rated
Created 2008-02-08
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description sorry there were so many, but i thought they were so amazing i had to show everyone. There are so many crazy close calls in this one.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'unfinished' Thumbnail of the map 'coolest DDR ever' Thumbnail of the map 'coolest DDR ever V2' Thumbnail of the map 'coolest DDR ever V3' Thumbnail of the map 'coolest DDR ever V5' Thumbnail of the map 'coolest DDR ever V4'
unfinished coolest DDR ever coolest DDR ever V2 coolest DDR ever V3 coolest DDR ever V5 coolest DDR ever V4


Pages: (0)

Demo Data



not good

you dont even beat the level. laggy too

3 things
1:LOL! DDRave! Dance Dance Revolution!! LOLOLOLOLOL!
2:I agree with the hope it will work concept
3:lololoLOLOLOLoloLOLoloLOLoloLOloLOLolOLOLOL this map is too repetitive...

Ps. it does not work. LOlOLOlololoLOlolOLoloLOloLOl

im convinced.

you're an idiot.this map isn't amazing, you just spammed rockets, and hoped it would work. Absolutey horrible. And what's up with the "ddr" tag? it's a DDA seriously

what does DDR stand for other than Dance Dance Revolution?

Dipwad Dunks Repeatedly?