Aztec Adventure

Thumbnail of the map 'Aztec Adventure'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mammaletto
Tags action author:mammaletto playable rated rockets
Created 2008-03-18
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description For N-Idol

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Shark Tank' Thumbnail of the map 'Phantom of the Opera' Thumbnail of the map 'Life Won't Wait' Thumbnail of the map 'Backwater Rocker' Thumbnail of the map 'Sur Slur' Thumbnail of the map 'The Temptations Within'
The Shark Tank Phantom of the Opera Life Won't Wait Backwater Rocker Sur Slur The Temptations Within


Pages: (0)

I like the tiles

The only part I don't like is getting to the exit.


I really like this.


7 frames.
thats just because of the end, whch you make definitely better.

The map is pretty cool, but not too difficult and thats a pity because its easier to find your way through the map.
4.5 (for keeping me entertained for 45 minutes)
Demo Data

faster again

Demo Data

Lil' faster

This map rocks my socks!
Demo Data

Slower AGD

Satisfyingly easy to get all the gold.
Demo Data


Demo Data