
Thumbnail of the map 'greed'

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Author coolrmg71
Tags author:coolrmg71 jail playable puzzle rated simple trick
Created 2008-03-31
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description gold is the root of all evil =P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'my first lvl- lvl.1' Thumbnail of the map 'DNA- lvl.2' Thumbnail of the map 'not so fast- lvl.3'
my first lvl- lvl.1 DNA- lvl.2 not so fast- lvl.3


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wayy too easy

why would somebody go after a door opener after you know the door is already open.. get a little more creative
Demo Data

Hey Robert

Glad to see you posting maps however predictable they are ;D. But seriously, gold is the root of all evil with a bunch of doors and a trigger badly hidden behind some GOLD. The only gold in the level! And a random trigger that opens one of the doors and leads nowhere. Way to throuwn together, spend some more time on your maps and I think you can come up with something good.