
Thumbnail of the map 'Clone'

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Author da_man894
Tags action author:da_man894 clone cool hard playable puzzle unrated
Created 2008-04-05
Last Modified 2008-04-05
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description resubmition.

I made another action map. hope someone likes it...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Saw Blade' Thumbnail of the map 'Good start?' Thumbnail of the map 'better? (updated)' Thumbnail of the map 'Palace' Thumbnail of the map 'flags' Thumbnail of the map 'Lizard skin'
Saw Blade Good start? better? (updated) Palace flags Lizard skin


Pages: (0)

"rather hard and intense" on the original but couldnt be bothered.


This map is familiar.
And it's a mix of professional and nooby. So I'm going to assume most of this map is copied from someone else.


did you intentionally make it so you didn't have to get all of the doors?