Molecular Structure

Thumbnail of the map 'Molecular Structure'

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Author BlckNWhteNnja
Tags action author:blcknwhtennja unrated
Created 2008-06-04
Last Modified 2008-06-04
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I would like to see anyone agd this. I don't think it can be done, It's possible....

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'One Rocket, One Ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'Home Security' Thumbnail of the map 'Magnetic Effect' Thumbnail of the map 'Cave In' Thumbnail of the map 'Stick' Thumbnail of the map 'Inverse Square'
One Rocket, One Ninja Home Security Magnetic Effect Cave In Stick Inverse Square


Pages: (0)


its O.K.

I don't really like the tileset.But the Lasers seem to work pretty well.


Best demo here. I liked it, actually.
Also, you can't rate 2.5 any more.
Demo Data


The map is average. The gameplay was a little repetitive, but laser-dodging is always fun.