
Thumbnail of the map 'Sloth'

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Author spudzalot
Tags action author:spudzalot mulit-path playable rated sds sev-sins
Created 2008-06-09
Last Modified 2008-06-09
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description 4th in the "Seven Deadly Sins" series and for Rule Of Law, Round 4. If you want to play the others ones juST click on the links below that NUMA provides.

This map is great fun. Its a speed map that requires you to open the four doors and get the last switch before the drones beat you there. There are so many routes!

The reason I trapped the switch (instead of the door) is so that noobs can beat it very easily and AGDers will have to incorporate the gold into the switches if they want to get good times.

I spent a lot of time trying to make jumps easy to do and provide lots of routes. RCE

Forgot that astheoceansblue did this too - Credit to him.

---Please Post Demos---

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Avacados' Thumbnail of the map 'Chronicle' Thumbnail of the map 'Designator' Thumbnail of the map 'Pride' Thumbnail of the map 'Lust' Thumbnail of the map 'Gluttony'
Avacados Chronicle Designator Pride Lust Gluttony


Pages: (0)

Fairly easy

Although, a bit fun. 4aved
Demo Data

sub 1000

that is really how it is done.
Demo Data

Fastest AGD so far

Decent map, but the concept and tileset (which is quite nice, btw) seemed underutilized to me.
Demo Data

Fastest Completion

Thats how its done :D
Demo Data
It's just that I've never like drone races. 4


the chaingun is nicely placed

Demo Data


Nice concept. The tileset and route are both great and the chaingun is well placed.
Crappy completion
Demo Data


Familiar concept.
Demo Data

Here is a fun route

Yah I thought that going back and getting gold would slow down times but it really doesn't... dang. I might redo this sometime.
Demo Data

Nice map

It ties in with the theme nicely. The only thing that bugged me, is that you can go back for the gold.

Demo Data
with a different (but maybe similar) concept
but you can easily follow the drone like I did. nr
demo is an agd btw
Demo Data

Oh yah that one

Sad that I forgot, its one of my favorite maps. Thanks for noticing that, I'll go ahead and give credit in the description.

Sorry ^^


same exact drone idea


Provide a link please...

not bad

felt like a "time is not on my side" ripoff though