Fish Bait in the EAC

Thumbnail of the map 'Fish Bait in the EAC'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author SkyRay
Tags author:skyray easy fast flyingfish fun minejumper rated
Created 2008-08-08
Last Modified 2008-08-08
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Ride along the East Australian Current and enjoy your quick exciting journey through this exciting and adventurous fast paced mine jumper.

I really loved this one in my opinion.

NOTICE: i'd like anyone doing a fish themed map to put the tag "flyingfish" in it so when the "fish" fad is over.. however long it lasts, we can go back and look at them all in one big scrapbook :}

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ecochiodecipidion' Thumbnail of the map 'Sparks, Fire, and Embers. Oh My!' Thumbnail of the map 'Lost In the Dark Alleys' Thumbnail of the map 'Wind Chimes..' Thumbnail of the map 'The Windows of Opportunity' Thumbnail of the map 'Tapping On the Glass of the World'
Ecochiodecipidion Sparks, Fire, and Embers. Oh My! Lost In the Dark Alleys Wind Chimes.. The Windows of Opportunity Tapping On the Glass of the World


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This is nice



Demo Data

really speedy

AGD ha
I love the fish theme, and how it all goes so well 5aved
Demo Data

It's nice

how you made the tiles into a minejumper, and a good one at that. It's very tempting to go for an AGD. Good job! 4aved
Demo Data


i think i'm going to join the fad.


good map, by the way. agree with max, although i liked the bounceblock progression. 4/5
Demo Data

Speedy AGD

really speedy.
Demo Data


Cool tileset especially the really big fish.
Demo Data

Nice tileset,

the gameplay was a little repetitive, but I like the difficulty scale; it got harder toward the bottom, nice.

I killed kkstrong's demo on NReality.

about to go into the monsta fish's mouth, haha, anyways, you guys gonna play/rate? XD

Tag added :)

Good times.