
Thumbnail of the map 'Uncertainty'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author yungerkid
Tags action author:yungerkid playable rated
Created 2008-08-30
Last Modified 2008-08-30
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description look for my map pack "Shield of Yungerkid" coming out soon!
(this is not a spoiler btw)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bridge Over Troubled Vortices' Thumbnail of the map 'Wrangler' Thumbnail of the map 'Raider' Thumbnail of the map 'Brass Monkey' Thumbnail of the map 'Meditations from a Deep Green Grove' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninepins'
Bridge Over Troubled Vortices Wrangler Raider Brass Monkey Meditations from a Deep Green Grove Ninepins


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Good map

Liked the design. Have a 4, too frustrating for my likes tho :P

ya, stoneysmile,

i agree, but unfortunately this simplicity is the only style i can use. i'm just not creative enough to think of more complex things lol.


for commenting.

I really like the simplistic style that you often use, I myself usually try and keep it simplistic but end up adding more stuff. 5

Rated it a 5

To get that sniper of your ass.


yes. ;) sure thing.

Worlds better.

The collab alternates.

Quite nice

I wish the gold was easier to get. :)

well yes,

i've got a sniper on me. it's not that my average map quality is falling, and if it is, then certainly tell me.
I'm seeing more and more 3-star maps here!
Which is pretty unfair because my average map which sucks when compared to this gets a 4.
For me it is a 4. It is fun.

Speed completion

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speed run

I know, I know 4/5 the only thing that bugged me was gold placement.
Demo Data


is this better?
i'll try it right now. alternates? what are those? :/
but the tileset brings it down.

This is a problem I used to have. Whenever I tried to make a rocky tilset, it never ended up looking as good as a, say, shortshift rockyset. It annoyed the hell outta me, I couldn't work out what I was doing wrong. Turns out the answer was 4, 5, and 8.

You have the same problem here. The 4 and 5 tiles you have here really throw off the look. Simply put, they're ugly, they don't look right, they're too flat, smooth. If you get rid of 'em, replace 'em with something that fits more, you could get a 5aved from me. For now, Faved, I'll give you a chance to fix it.

Does that make up for me not checking out those alternates? :-)
almost always. but occasionally, if i think the map is going to be really good, or if i think for some reason that it would be best to play them in real life, then i will.


I oversaw that conversation on one of Conen's maps. (I think it was Conen, anyway)

Nice temptation map

BTW. Not trying to offend you or sound like an ass. It's a serious question. Do you play maps that you make in your head, or do you actually playtest them?


Going the other way.
Demo Data


Demo Data

Heh, heh

1 frame slower AGD.
Demo Data


Ok that's cool.

flip, cerberus,

i'm not even a tenth as good as that. i can make good maps for people who are as good as me, but mah goodness, nobody here is really *that* bad. so that's one of my dilemmas as a mapmaker.


i'm *very* busy right now. very. i have finals, school assignments, two map packs, three get the picture. i'll get on it as soon as i can though; but it may take a week or so.


Demo Data


What happened to our collab...