Comments on "These Halls are Haunted, My Dear"

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First look is easy but wen u play it its hard!

*builds up map*

The review seems very orthographic. Fun to read, but arguably a better subject could have been found.


i dont think you played it. you just looked at the picture because its really quite hard
you dont ever play maps do you?
submit a demo once and a while
but ok:

this map is fine but u need make it more dfficult...

but the tileset is great.

and in my opinion these are high quality maps i thought
if you dont think they are then what can i do to make them better

I only have 2 maps on the page right now
im sure ill slow down but right now i have nothing to do
I suggest you slow down, and concentrate on make the ones you do submit really good. On the NUMA home page it even says:
'New Users: 1-2 submissions at a time, please.'
Also, if you submit fewer but higher quality maps, you are more likely to get the feedback you want.

i wanted to give it that ghostly kind of feeling, like ghosts coming out of walls haha
except i gave u a 4
Anyways about the map. I was a little skeptical when the enemies appeared from the walls, but they actually worked really well. Nice one.


thanks guys

Go to profile,

Then click where it says edit settings in small writing. From there you can upload an image.

if by picture,

u mean ur avatar, then i can help.

in ur profile, click the "edit settings" link in the top left. then click the "browse" button under ur current picture. it brings u to ur documents, so find a picture and then select it. when u say "update" in the bottom right, the picture will change. sometimes it will say that the pic is too big, so just pick a smaller one, or edit it to be smaller. hope this helped =]

i still need to know how to change my picture, if anyone knows please