
Thumbnail of the map 'Fent'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author gloomp
Tags 563-635 author:gloomp fent fmc rated short smc
Created 2009-01-10
Last Modified 2009-01-10
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Fent the Fent Map Competition [].

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cake of snow and burn, burn, burn.' Thumbnail of the map 'a plea for a little silver lining' Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome World' Thumbnail of the map 'Orfill. Llifro. Orfro. Illli.' Thumbnail of the map 'AMNESIA' Thumbnail of the map 'Prototypical Drone-Race'
Cake of snow and burn, burn, burn. a plea for a little silver lining Welcome World Orfill. Llifro. Orfro. Illli. AMNESIA Prototypical Drone-Race


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enjoyable map

I've been stocking up on your work because I admire your mapping style and it's been a huge influence on my recent works (Though I have yet to make my maps work how I want). Anyway, this one was alright. The laser was a subtle obstacle but it was nice. The main rocket corridor however was very fun to jump around in to get all the gold. Solid 4.


I really like the tiles and how you didn't over-do anything. 4/5

Quicker AGD

Demo Data


I like the map it is good hard but still fun! I'm in the smc too so when I make my maps plz comment on my maps! :) I'm new here so plz don't YELL at me! lol! I really like how you put the rocket there it is very good placement! It makes it challenging to win! It could have more but still GOOD! 4/5
It wasn't from Vampirism, though, I think.
It may have been from Vampirism.

@ ganteka:


fastest demo i could come up with.
Demo Data


and sketchy.
Demo Data


I can't get an agd.
Demo Data


so fun, very creative! love the tileset!! great mine placement! and gold placement! the rocket was very fun/well placed. the laser should've been about a tile or a tile and a half to the left, because it was practically useless it was short, but you tagged it so I'll give it 5/5 (actual rate 4.7/5) great work!


a bit too fundamental (or generic) for my tastes.
love the curves hate everything else

A little faster

AGD. Still improvable.
Demo Data


open space, the mines and the laser really do wonders for the atmosphere of this map. sadly, i wasn't a fan of the curved tiles/rocket-combo gameplay-wise. nerve-wracking =).

You guys make me not want to post my demos...


Quicker AGD,

simple, but quite fun. 3/5
Demo Data

Slow AGD

Didn't like the rocket delay.
Demo Data


Demo Data