Slow Burn

Thumbnail of the map 'Slow Burn'

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Author etdeshon
Tags author:etdeshon fun race rated
Created 2009-02-03
Last Modified 2009-02-03
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description My favorite so far. It's like different from what i usually make, and its fun! lol. have fun!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Inequity' Thumbnail of the map 'Industrial' Thumbnail of the map 'Logitech' Thumbnail of the map 'Short and to the Point!' Thumbnail of the map '(not so) Grand Finale' Thumbnail of the map 'Everlong'
Inequity Industrial Logitech Short and to the Point! (not so) Grand Finale Everlong


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my favourite

out of yours so far funnily enough 5aved.


righto thanks for offer mate.
if i ever need advice i'll be sure to ask.
and looking forward to seeing a couple of new maps from you??


very good. you should make more.P.s. Check out my maps?


I dont know, I really liked the fast flow on this race, but I didn't like the race itself and the enemies, I don't know exactly what, it just didn't come together as much as I wished it would.

this was fun

but i do agree with destiny about a few things. it just felt a bit bare. the flow was nice and the path was good but it didn't make me think wow. still a 4 from me though.
Demo Data
okay, so - i'm gonna give you some critisism here, take it and improve ^^

So. The tiles are getting a little repetative. Try experimenting with aesthetics, you are far past the stage where you use tilesets like this, i know you can do waaaay better.

The gold is a little... icky, but that's minor. Don't c-snap the gold together, it's not very appealing.

The flow was mostly nice, the key and everything after it was awkward, really. I've seen better from you.

A massive way you could improve your races is to give them a theme. Or if you can do it well enough, an atmosphere. It's not easy to do, but if you can select a theme before you begin making a race, then make flow and aesthetics and enemies and whatever else into that theme, you can acheive something extraordinary. It takes a while, but i know you can do it.

I believe.
Demo Data

Great race

Nice flow. And it looks quite nice, too.
Demo Data



flow demo

not as good as my last few, but its one nonetheless. lol! have fun!
Demo Data