Have you ever heard of hmpfrprfg?

Thumbnail of the map 'Have you ever heard of hmpfrprfg?'

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Author Huki
Tags author:huki exit gold unrated w00t xd
Created 2009-02-06
Last Modified 2009-02-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description mh :\ please say what you think and if you want post a demo ;) have fun :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Dripstone' Thumbnail of the map 'Boon and Bane' Thumbnail of the map 'Laser or MG?' Thumbnail of the map 'An older map' Thumbnail of the map 'Optical Illusion' Thumbnail of the map 'R44'
Dripstone Boon and Bane Laser or MG? An older map Optical Illusion R44


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this one looks way better than your other work. some bits are iffy (first laser room) but this is a solid four! the end was bloody hard for me though :P took some work with my timing..


it looks not good, but it's fun to play it