Here We Go Again

Thumbnail of the map 'Here We Go Again'

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Author Action_Agd
Tags author:action_agd hard minejumper rated
Created 2009-02-12
Last Modified 2009-02-12
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description Spiral tiled mine jumper. its hard, ded to SKA, for agding my map.
just a tad easier then Turbulence.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A Riveted Moon' Thumbnail of the map 'Turbulence'
A Riveted Moon Turbulence


Pages: (0)


mines are my shtick


now make something new! like an action map with absolutly no mines.

but *not* great

was suppose to be my comment. </confusion>
I won't post the same comment on this map that I did the last. All I will say is that I do like your aesthetic concepts, but I feel the difficulty is heavy.

Aside of the similar comment, I will put in that I think there were too many mines in this map to have to reload as often as is needed in this map. Also, I think maybe moving the rocket instead of adding the ugly sliding door in the top center of the map might have been better.

+3 not bad, but great.


like Riobe.

I agree with chume

this is way too similar to your other maps. You've proven that you can make minejumpers, now you just have to branch out and try different styles :)



ffs, I cant get any farther than this, and it looks like fun from romaniacs demo :(
Demo Data


god freaking damnit, so far this wasn't too hard, until I noticed there are other enemies, also, it seems pretty hard afterwards too. Usually mine-jumpers aren't hard, you have to move fast and correctly to get through it, but sometimes it needs to be precise, and there are a few points where it needs to be very precise. IMO, everything in my demo would be enough for a great map.
Demo Data

this section

should be revised. it's a tad too unreliable.
Demo Data

nothing special

for me.
just wondering. nice map.

thanks man

I got a nice buzzing feeling when I saw this, the map is ok, but too many mines, and placed poorly at times. Anyway, the foundation for an excellent map. Still, for a third, I'm going to dub you as the next stepself. Keep it up!!

In your maps

awesome tiles = good
mine placement = good
too hard = bad (you can get away with the occasional one)
originality = (bad this map is similar to your previous ones and hundreds already on numa)


felt cheated by the rocket after making it that far.
Demo Data


Way too hard and frustrating.

not hard at all

if you're xaelar