Rocket bounce dda

Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket bounce dda'

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Author nooon
Tags author:nooon dda easy gold nooon rockets unrated
Created 2009-02-14
Last Modified 2009-02-14
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description __ Rockets! __

Other maps by this author

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High Jump Minastic Walking on Thwumps Scream! Drone race Mario Star


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its alright

i kinda like the beggining and that was about it, after that the rockets just grouped up and nothing much else happened after that. i made that mistake too, it doesn't make the dda any better...


Theres still a load of gold left, and this is all bumpers, I tried hl and hr, but I died and theres still gold left, revise this/remake completely


i didn't get half the gold