april fools

Thumbnail of the map 'april fools'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Frekish
Tags action author:frekish indeed medium playable rated
Created 2009-04-01
Last Modified 2009-04-01
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description gotcha!!


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'why dont you scream?' Thumbnail of the map 'agridole' Thumbnail of the map 'love and hatred' Thumbnail of the map 'lifes a game' Thumbnail of the map 'freedom call' Thumbnail of the map 'stalker'
why dont you scream? agridole love and hatred lifes a game freedom call stalker


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Very fun

Generic but still a good challenge.

I would get rid of the gold on the ceiling though, because it seems to disrupt the flow.

Nice 'n' Easy

It's a nice easy map I reckon


you bastered! you made me spill my egg nog!