Military Training

Thumbnail of the map 'Military Training'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mainzelman
Tags author:mainzelman race unrated
Created 2009-05-03
Last Modified 2009-05-03
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description over 200sec= A++ soldier
over 100sec= A+ soldier
100-90sec= class A soldier---
89-70sec= class B soldier---
69-50sec= class C soldier---
49-30sec= class D soldier---
29-20sec= class E soldier---
19-10sec= class F soldier---
9-1sec= class Dumb soldier xD

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Birthday cake' Thumbnail of the map 'Confusion' Thumbnail of the map 'Halls 6' Thumbnail of the map 'How Fast Are U' Thumbnail of the map 'Be Fast!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Wich Way??'
Birthday cake Confusion Halls 6 How Fast Are U Be Fast!!! Wich Way??


Pages: (0)


soldier isnt hard is it


this is kick ass
Demo Data

then u are a bad soldier hehehe :)


200+ is impossible, mainly because of the launchpad and mines tunnel.

A little bit faster demo. Still improvable.
Demo Data


A+ soldierxD
Heh... 159.400 seconds... so what class does that make me? =P
Demo Data