
Thumbnail of the map 'Ammunition'

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Author KlanKaos
Tags agd author:klankaos palemoonisasexgod race tagscanbequitefunwhenusedinventively unrated
Created 2009-05-05
Last Modified 2009-05-05
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Probably my best race. I know that's not saying much, but I really like this one. I'm quite proud of it. Anyways, ECR.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Banana Mafia' Thumbnail of the map 'Chic' Thumbnail of the map 'Satisfaction' Thumbnail of the map 'Inne, Baby' Thumbnail of the map 'Entirely Necessary' Thumbnail of the map 'Five Over Par'
Banana Mafia Chic Satisfaction Inne, Baby Entirely Necessary Five Over Par


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I see what you guys mean about the flow. It's unspectacular, I agree entirely.
if you want to do modern stuff you probably have to prove you can do it the traditional way so people see that you're "good enough". then when you make a "rickety" race people will call you innovative and original etc. maybe have a go at a slightly more generic race or two, just to get used to making smooth flow, then carry on doing new stuff.

i do like this, but some bits seem a bit pointlessly jerky rather than abstract, if you know what i mean.

He /so/ is.

unlike some guys i could but won't mention. still, your race pretty much has to be perfect if it's gonna be that conceptish and "rickety". NR again

Yeah the mine jumps were nice, needs work though. 3
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You need to make your flow smoother. I'm not saying you cant make a good race with rickety flow, but the bits of flow do need to have smooth transitions. Flow should never make you stop. So dont use jumps where you hit a wall then have to jump upwards afterwards, like in the final rocket section.

I can see you're improving
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This is pretty bad, I played it for a good while trying to find some decent flow and this is all I managed.
It's like you deliberately constructed it poorly to try and mask the fact that it's entirely generic in design.

The jumps travelling through the mine tunnels were nicely executed and satisfying, but the rest was bland and badly put together.
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