
Thumbnail of the map 'tank'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author xenoc
Tags author:xenoc rated test
Created 2005-10-29
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description not much to say about it
just rate and or comment please

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'drag' Thumbnail of the map 'F18' Thumbnail of the map 'BOUNCE ARENA' Thumbnail of the map 'rock N' Thumbnail of the map 'strict guidance' Thumbnail of the map 'tiny town'
drag F18 BOUNCE ARENA rock N strict guidance tiny town


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z-snap ugly.

Thats pretty good

N-Art. There should really be an N-Art catergory. Then Action and Test Levels wouldn't be as plagued. But anyway, It's really good N-Art, Maybe clean up the edges a little, and stick a turret on the top with the ninja!