Black Hole

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Author death_and_destruction
Tags author:death_and_destruction dda rated
Created 2005-11-02
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description My first DDA! Your not meant to finish it, as there isn't an exit. Watch as u get vapourised at the end!!


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Crystal_city' Thumbnail of the map 'Spiked' Thumbnail of the map 'Part DDA'
Crystal_city Spiked Part DDA


Pages: (0)

i liked this one...

interesting concept of being sucked in... why dont you make it so he hits the door right before being killed by the thwumps? like put the door right before you enter the pit. This would give those people who want their completion a completion and those people who want death a death


It is his first map, give him a break. Still, death and destruction, don't make him die at the end, maybe continue the level or something or at least make a door.


and its rude and annoying to say RATE IT!! in your description...


are you F$#%&*g insane! Im sorry but this wasn't good at all...

Not "cool"...

It's cool, the DDA part, 4.5/5


For me, he just gets hit by some thwumps...

It's cool

how u die at the end!