
Thumbnail of the map 'Scrutinise'

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Author ampburner
Tags action author:ampburner rated
Created 2009-07-28
Last Modified 2009-07-28
by 6 people.
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Description So do you like this asthe?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Burnt Frost' Thumbnail of the map 'Tail of a Cucumber' Thumbnail of the map 'Angst' Thumbnail of the map 'Scalpel' Thumbnail of the map 'Scarred' Thumbnail of the map 'Show me love, babe'
Burnt Frost Tail of a Cucumber Angst Scalpel Scarred Show me love, babe


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there's no line

but this map is well into the "you really should credit" zone.


You guys are bunch of hardarses for all the wrong reasons.

Really, ampburner,

do credit. It's the courteous thing to do.
Nor inspiration, but all it takes is credit. To steal someone's idea, pretend its your own, that's a ripoff. All it takes is a single line of credit, maybe a link.

There's no reason why you shouldn't be respectful to the author who actually thought up the brilliant design that inspired this map.

Ganteka, shut up.

The structure and setup is pretty different, and you're allowed to take something you like and work on it. It's not as if maps are copyrighted or anything; if he's acknowledged his inspiration, that's good enough for me.

Then again, I make too many atob ripoffs :P


Report abuse.. This is different.. Therefore no credit is needed. You'd be wasting staff time...

Can you say ripoff?

It's more of a remix than an original map. Credit LD or I'll report abuse, and get an admin or mod involved.
This kind of crap makes me mad.
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I mean, multi-accounting gets you into all kind of shit (see: evil_sire). atob isn't an idiot, far from it; I don't see any reason why he'd suddenly break a rule which he has upheld for such a long time.


I'm flattered sondrigal...

But I'm not astheoceansblue.


I hate not being able to edit my comments! ;_;
Should get more girlfriends. ;)
He directed this map to you. I think your trying to hide it atob. His game play is just all to familiar, and I don't buy that it is because he copied the ideas from old maps. If you really are separate entities the congratulations for being awesome ampburner, and sorry for the accusation atob.


I don't want to offend either party, but I swear your atob.
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sloppy agd

what atob said
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The good thing

is that you've nailed what a good map is. Where your lacking is original design. Don't rely on NUMA to provide all of your inspiration, look outside of it more often and you'll find your work takes on a much more unique shape.

Take an a favourite album cover and make an abstract tileset version of it; map a visual image of your favourite song; construct a tileset of your favourite anime character; and so on...

You've certainly got an eye for the good stuff, don't let it be wasted with copy and paste techniques.


This reminds me a lot of that with more stuff, which is good :P


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