
Thumbnail of the map '-/-'

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Author Diamondeye
Tags agd author:diamondeye unrated
Created 2009-08-11
Last Modified 2009-08-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Yeah, or something like that.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Recircling' Thumbnail of the map 'Where Wires Meet' Thumbnail of the map 'The inconvenient Truth(s):' Thumbnail of the map 'You can tell, Can't you?' Thumbnail of the map 'Li' Thumbnail of the map 'A handful of pearls'
Recircling Where Wires Meet The inconvenient Truth(s): You can tell, Can't you? Li A handful of pearls


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But I dislike the places on the outter edge where there's an opening with some gold in it, ruins the flow. I know it doesn't need flow but it's nice. D: