Comments on "My first map"

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I like fights
if you just spam this map saying he is a dick.
but I'll copy and paste an irc conversation from just now, because I honestly don't give a shit about your feelings anymore:

<%maxson> meatpuppet's a retarded, immature assgorilla
<%maxson> there's a reason why we started mapping on almost the same day and i got much better than him
<%maxson> because i took criticism to heart
<%maxson> he got pissed off at it
<~Riobe> yeah,
<~Riobe> : /
<~Riobe> lol
<~Riobe> <maxson> meatpuppet's a retarded, immature assgorilla
<&Leaff> yes
<~Riobe> calling someone a retarded, immature assgorilla isn't very mature maxson
<%maxson> i know
<%maxson> it was an attempted joke :/
<~Riobe> assgorilla though
<%maxson> OLOL
<~Riobe> that's good man
<%maxson> :p
<~Riobe> brilliant even
placing 5 million mines in one place. But I don't think I guide should be read to learn that. And nobody makes perfect maps. I'm not crazy about atob. He's good, but he's not my favorite author. Perhaps I should just delete that from my profile, sorry for starting a new debate...

Dear god people.

Atob isn't a perfect mapper. Nobody is a perfect mapper. There are people that don't like atob's maps all the time. It's humanely impossible to make perfect maps all the time everytime.

And plus, straight out insults towards the map won't help someone as to get better at mapping. What good does "ugly, boring, and definately not worth a 4" do? How will that help the mapper out in the future?

I guess what I'm saying is, blatant insults towards the map won't do good for anybody. While, advice / constructive criticism will go a long way.

Just my two cents.

really you have the right idea though
make maps that you like, that you think are good and worry less about what others think
sooner or later people will start to like your maps
unless, of course, they are ridiculously spammed or just dumb


How am I a zombie?
I am just saying the tiles are ugly, the objects are not pleasing either and the game play is a yawn at does no one see that?
You can look at it as random an ugly, or you can see beauty. I bet he placed every object on this map with care. You won't see beauty unless if you look for it.

I think people give

ATOB too much flattery.
way to make a good map, that people become blind to new. FBF is a good example. He is a zombie.
atob is perfect
It isn't atob's fault. That guide is there for people who want tips to become better at mapping. He never says that following his rules his style is the only way to make a good map.
...quite ugly, very boring, and defiantly not 4 worthy. 2 at best.

not really.. but i dont like the cluttered look, some people do though

not really.

I like the oneways. I like the trap doors. I think it looks nice. It doesn't add any signifigant load time, so it comes to personal opinion. Do you like that funky, funny-looking look or not.

wow first map and youve already been flamed.. kinda feel sorry for you :D


i couldnt make an atob map if i copied the map data and edited 10 objects, its not very easy making maps like HIS
It is actually pretty messy, yes. Hiding the rocket behind the door wasn't exactly a pleasant surprise either.

I'll give this a 3. Try a more open environment next time. With less useless trap doors. ; )


now almost everyone will stop at this map to find out why there are so many comments.

Allinator, I agree.

For proof, check out the link to my least favorite map which I have at the top of my profile page. That map is, in my opinion, one of the problems with this site. Many newcomers are told to read it and then everyone makes similar maps.
sloppy gloomp in a sort-of way. I think...

/me tilts head.

True Allinator

Areodynamic is one such person.... Most people don't like his maps, but I do... You'll find people who like them as you stay here. I like calling them peers.


"I got good at mapping because.."




did Meatpuppet just compare a game where you are ENCOURGED to be creative, to math!? seriously!?
adventually people will start seeing things my way.

why would there be school?
Math is one person's idea that everyone blindly follows. It's just a system of calculation. A guy could make another system.


You have just gained my respect with that comment.



How do you quad.. or ARE THERE TEN OF THOSE!?!?!?!
If they do my maps will adventually look like everyone else's. I don't want to be a sheep to the current bias of what makes a good map.

meatpuppet, i thought you wanted to insult allinator in order to make him a better mapper, not just spam

allinator im sorry,

meatpuppet is going through a hard time in life because of his girl?friend.

but you shouldnt be whining so much, its fortunate for you to get so much attention on your first map and stay on the top of the hotmaps for so long. you get more attention to your maps that way.

i give it a 3 because its your first

you don't get it

it doesn't matter if you can take it or not, it's just that it works 100% of the time, while talking nicely works 30% of the time. Better to be safe than sorry. And that contradicts itself, based on the current context.
where are the moderators when you need them?