
Thumbnail of the map 'Xplained'

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Author Allinator
Tags author:allinator fun rated
Created 2009-11-29
Last Modified 2009-11-29
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description I will now start saying why I enjoy my maps in the description. It is actually a good way to check my maps, too see if I did really enjoy them. The tiles in this map said scorpion to me. So I went with the fast striking thwumps. It is a metaphor in a way, thwumps like scorpions, are only deadly when triggered/angered. I like how the thwump at the end kills you after victor. I like that it is possible, but hard to get through the wall of thwumps on the top or bottom for speedruns, but it is difficult. I like the look of the thwumps.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My first map'
My first map


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could you

please check out some of my maps?

ive played

all your maps btw i just forgot to comment my bad big fan of your maps

I dont like this one. D:

I dont like this one. D:


I think this could be a backwards step. Thwump spamming isn't a good idea, and I think the tiles lack imagination.

However, this is still a fun map. Well done.

Welcome to NUMA!

For a first map to be highly rated, that is a very good start. The map in itself is excellent. I forsee greater maps in the future.

I like this one.
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As a challenging level there is not much here. For speed addicts, this is a great little level.

this is still cool

I still like you so far. I also liked this better than your last. Not the fastest agd:
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its pretty good

to have your first map rated


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but as maps go, this is pretty average.


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Not a good sign. Wwwaaayyy to easy. Got all the gold.

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not too difficult... Average. 3.


Of too many.
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The thwump/gold thing was pretty cool, but kinda easy to loose track of your jumps and stuff.

Not bad, 3.5/5 rounded... down. D:


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Faster AGD

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but this is a cool map regardless. I actually make my maps using similar thought processes to the one in your description :D


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Little faster

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first try

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I would say this is kinda noobish, but on the other hand... it works. It is different.

@aldaric: that's an invitation for fbf, or karma, or meta, or amlt to crush you

@Zthing no problem

and haha Aldaric that is very nice.
It is perfect!

By the way

Sorry about what happened on your last map.


OMG That was really fun!
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Slow AGD

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No! You think about the stinger!
i think it lacks a head...


Have fun.
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