2-2 Puzzle Pack

Thumbnail of the map '2-2 Puzzle Pack'

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Author redhotbananapeppers
Tags author:redhotbananapeppers map-pack trapdoors unrated
Created 2009-11-30
Last Modified 2009-11-30
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description FUN for the whole family

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'hello' Thumbnail of the map '1-1 Fun with Gausses' Thumbnail of the map '1-2 Cubism' Thumbnail of the map '1-3 DDA' Thumbnail of the map '1-4 Dont Stop me Now' Thumbnail of the map '2-1 THATS A BIG TOWER'
hello 1-1 Fun with Gausses 1-2 Cubism 1-3 DDA 1-4 Dont Stop me Now 2-1 THATS A BIG TOWER


Pages: (0)

I dont think so :)
still, it was fun for me

FUN with an F?

PH man PH.... just more PHUN.

its possible

you just have to dodge them...

If you replaced

most of the trapdoors that imediately screw you, you would get a 3/5 from me, as it is 2/5.