X & Y

Thumbnail of the map 'X & Y'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ChrisE
Tags author:chrise llanbobl rated
Created 2010-01-24
Last Modified 2010-01-24
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Such a shame.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Not Another Bloody PALEMOON-inspired map...' Thumbnail of the map 'Violet Hill' Thumbnail of the map 'Life In Technicolor' Thumbnail of the map 'Postcards From Far Away' Thumbnail of the map 'SeaScape - Destination: Michigan' Thumbnail of the map 'Life In Technicolor II'
Not Another Bloody PALEMOON-inspired map... Violet Hill Life In Technicolor Postcards From Far Away SeaScape - Destination: Michigan Life In Technicolor II


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I dare not get faster for I might get 666.
Demo Data


Yet faster :)
Demo Data


It fetched some text I had written a long time ago. I was meant to say...
Ha ha, fail :p

Ha ha, YOUR demo

Demo Data

I like the trapdoors xD Thought it might be cheatable at first (tapping the exit key without going through the bouncey) but after much testing, I couldn't do it.

There, an AGD.

The first run was a speed ;p
Demo Data


Demo Data


nice different fun the guass was a annoying 5


Good. Really good.

Demo Data

Sub 600 AGD

Sorry for double post but got a better demo. btw 4/5 from me.
Demo Data

Faster AGD

The map wasn't really that hard to me, the hardest part for me was actually they oneways. That being said, good map.
Demo Data

agd demo

faster is possible. That gauss can be quite deadly though. But the rocket is a piece of cake. I got caught in your trap doors first try though XP
Demo Data