Tuna Steak

Thumbnail of the map 'Tuna Steak'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author astheoceansblue
Tags author:astheoceansblue nreality unrated
Created 2010-01-30
Last Modified 2010-01-30
Map Data

Description Mmmmmmmmmm.

Play in Nreality.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Temple Trap' Thumbnail of the map 'lightspeed champion' Thumbnail of the map 'Game Boy' Thumbnail of the map 'Chained Heat' Thumbnail of the map 'Pyramid Bloom' Thumbnail of the map 'Generic Waste'
The Temple Trap lightspeed champion Game Boy Chained Heat Pyramid Bloom Generic Waste


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I use the tiles?


would look really cool if it were flipped on its right side.
At any rate, I'll send you the data later today. And yes. Pristine actually. Quite picturesque.

AGD death

Dead right at the end, once again... :(
Demo Data

Oh, thanks man. I didn't see your reply. But yeah, no rush or anything.
not simply the aesthetic.

You have to bunch them up tight to prevent a single one hitting a wall and it being launched at you from an unexpected angle.
If he'll tab them out for you. Will get back to you over the forums.

I love those three rockets. Kind of leaning towards pretentiousness but not quite there.

Ooh also ATOB, I fancy learning some TFATF on guitar. I know this may be a silly question but are there any tabs for any songs by you? If not, I'll have to transcribe it by ear, which I don't trust myself to do correctly. :P

I fancy learning A Scar, An Abode and Beats like Hours btw.


Much less casual than Pheidi's.

It always seems like your maps are much harder than they appear at first, but always so good.
Demo Data

Fanks, both of you.

It's been a while, everything I made for the last few months has been disposable.

I like.

Casual AGD.
Demo Data

Those tiles...

Thats how you fuse Nreality with N. Brilliant.