Leyshore Lighthouse

Thumbnail of the map 'Leyshore Lighthouse'

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Author orangekraken
Tags author:orangekraken leyshore rated thekrakenisback
Created 2010-02-16
Last Modified 2010-02-16
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description After one month, the kraken mother could finally rest. Her two year pregnancy had not been easy, and defending her newborns had nearly cost her her life. But now she could rest, for her children were safe. She closed her eyes for one last time.

Her offspring floated casually in the current, devouring any fish stupid enough to swim too close. They weren't afraid, for nothing could harm them; their poison ink was effective for a range of over 50 feet and was deadly accurate. They floated on, towards the beaches of Leyshore.

The residents of the isle slept, all except for one man. He was the lighthouse-keeper, who most of the town believed to be crazy because he claimed to have seen the kraken. He had no wife, no children. There was just him.

He saw ripples. He saw two dark shapes. He saw the tentacles. He saw the ink. He saw nothing more.

ChrisE. Furry.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome to Tiki Broler' Thumbnail of the map 'Marufauna Low Times' Thumbnail of the map 'Heads, I Win. Tails, You Lose.' Thumbnail of the map 'Moaura Cliffs' Thumbnail of the map 'Floating Forest' Thumbnail of the map 'Classical Templex'
Welcome to Tiki Broler Marufauna Low Times Heads, I Win. Tails, You Lose. Moaura Cliffs Floating Forest Classical Templex


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Demo Data


Demo Data

Improved AGD

Demo Data

Sub 1000 AGD

This map is insanely difficult at times, but very satisfying.

That first tunnel past the rocket is phenomenal.

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stylish map


May I join?

I'd be willing to.

can i join?

can i join can i join?

And now it's back.

Weird. :S

This map has disappeared off the hot maps and all the other pages. Wth?

Kraken babies are cute. Why wasn't I on IRC.
Demo Data