Abnormally smooth

Thumbnail of the map 'Abnormally smooth'

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Author blue_desert
Tags author:blue_desert rated
Created 2010-04-26
Last Modified 2010-04-26
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Inspired by furry_ant, miststalker, and TeaNose.
Thanks for your guys' contribution through older maps.
Took Radium's advice and made the map have more style instead of a bunch of lame gausses and a futile attempt to mimic furry's style. Thank you.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Loving is forgiving' Thumbnail of the map 'A new age of heirarchy'
Loving is forgiving A new age of heirarchy


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it's about the approach, and all Radium did was assert unsubstantiated rumour as fact.

If we do this to every mapper we think that may be a multiaccounter then many good new mappers will be turned off. It just isn't a good way to introduce the community to a new person. :/


So it turns out he was a multi-accounter even though people were trying to slag radium off for saying that? Hmm.

I didn't like it.

Gold was annoying to get. The bottom was boring. Nice tiles though. But could be used better. 2/5

Speed run.

after playing it a few times. I revise my opinion. It's a little less than average in my view. The tiles are nice but the mines are annoying and there is no flow to speak. There is potential, but it's not really used :/

I'll give it a 3
Demo Data


RandomFalcon according to your post blue_desert

That's interesting it's similar to blue_tetris, but who cares ;)

I have no opinion either way, so good luck as you continue mapping.

By the way, decent map, demo coming.


Nice map, had some good conventions, but the gold was just ugly. Like, a weird oblong lopsided oval thing. Gameplay was fair though; I found that there were many speedrun conventions to be used on this map. (Especially after the first switch, you can double jump directly over the wierd hill thing)
Demo Data


personally, i think the only fun part of creating a multiaccount would be trying to make it realistic, and actually act like a new person. so either you're a newcomer off to a strapping good start, or a multiaccounter who doesn't know what's good for him. i'm inclined to think multiaccounter, but i obviously have no evidence and no reason other than common sense.


Yeah, solid 3rd map. I disliked the drones and tiles in general here, and the oneways could have been placed differently to look better. 2.5^
Demo Data

"I'll have to agree with flag here."

Hahaha. Hah. This... I -- aha. I /will/ remember this as a landmark of sorts.
Join up on the forums and make a name for yourself. If you're not already someone else, then this is the best way to shut this shit up and move on.

it was implied?

thats how i took it at least: "Don't come up with your own style"

your guys' help and comments, I am working on making my own style. I have realized that I need to be my own mapper. I am trying to do that too. thanks again guys'.


Looked well, played too tight. Try joining our forums at for some mapping help and stuff.

If you want some tips that are far more helpful than Radium's insults and ramblings, we could collab too.

lol mahi

flag is right; you did just essentially agree with me :3 I never gave the ok to rip off other peoples' styles; imo, the real challenge of mapping is to make your maps unique (from both other peoples' maps and your own).

Hello :3

...for a 3rd map this is quite good.

Of course, I'm not going to let that influence my rate.
I'll give it a 3.

Your avatar is so good, Radium.

And below there's a speedrun.
Demo Data

mahi you just agree with him dumbass
thats basically giving the OK to rip off other people's maps. i don't know who you are, or if you're a multi-accounter or not, but what i'm saying is that coming up with an average-give-or-take map that is unique is far more important than trying to be good by copying other's styles. trust me, i have experience in that quadrant (i was once a multiaccounter :3).


Two things.

1. You're not blue_tetris. :/
2. Do the opposite of whatever Radium said.
1a. You're not blue_tetris.

I agree with Maxson

I usually stick to one main style but will branch out now and again.
it's much more important to make maps in many styles.


your opinion on my map is worth heeding, yet your accusations on me being someone else is childish and rude. Unless you have proof of someone multi-accounting, then you are just throwing out random accusations. I would prefer if you could just keep them to yourself. I did nothing to deserve them besides make maps, that are (for some reason) considered too good for a new comer.
I would truly appreciate it if you could respect my wishs and just enjoy my maps (or atleast play them)

Ignore RF

He's know for that stuff. Anyway, great map. I'm going to add these gold patterns to a guide I'm creating. 4


my apologies for my syntax
3 rates in 10 minutes.. and 1 comment, which was mine.


i found this to be quite generic, and the loopy tiles were quite ugly and annoying to play on. The gold was not fun to collect, it was a chore. Placing 4 gausses isn't very creative at all. embedding a single mine in a oneway to add "style" is just downright stupid.. it comes off as pretentious.. you're no furry :/

i encourage you to find you're own style


your profile is wrong, it says you have two maps
You rate a one and the only thing you say is "great another one"? Are you mad on how I rated your last map?