
Thumbnail of the map 'Oblivion'

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Author Tryptafeind
Tags action agd-hard author:tryptafeind fun unrated
Created 2010-07-23
Last Modified 2010-07-23
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Flew beyond the sun before it was time,
burning all the gold that held me inside my shell.
Waiting for you to pull me back in
I almost set the world in my sights...

Other maps by this author

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Pug Caligulove I'm Designer. Vexed Bullet With Butterfly Wings Vasoline


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You did.

do you realise

this can be done? I don't like those thwumps and when the gold is on the corners like that but the drones and floorguard are cool. Could you see mine :)
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