Irreducibly Complex

Thumbnail of the map 'Irreducibly Complex'

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Author maximo
Tags action author:maximo enemies hard playable rated
Created 2010-12-10
Last Modified 2010-12-10
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Another in my recent trend of trying to use the whole pallet of enemies in N. I really like this map, it feels, rewarding, to best. Medium Longish, pretty consistently challenging throughout, and a nice finish.


Other maps by this author

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Epithreat Won Weak That's no Tounge Redundant Yellow Turban Apparatus Posse Rabbit (is a Corkscrew)


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but it works alright. The timing is off though since you complete the "loop" before the laser stops firing, meaning you have to just wait.

No one can recreate my style, everyone else is trying too hard!

Here's something

I'll admit the little mechanic where the laser creeps out after you if you leave the opening gold for last is nice, and it no longer exists in my version. However, I think I've made nice laser gameplay from that corner. Apologies if my attempt at emulating your aesthetics isn't that great.


As I said before, this is still a pretty good map. I was just trying to be a little more constructive with my feedback (somewhat literally in the end XD)

In all sincerity...

What would you change there? That was the section of the map I was tweaking the most in testing. I worked with the tiles *a lot* to finalize that section, tested several enemies, and the laser proved the best result.

That late in the map I didn't want anything extremely challenging. I try to front load the extremely challenging sections in maps because it's less punishing to players. A gauss worked in there decently (especially when it had expanded space that an earlier trial did, but it provided a few cheap deaths trying to chimney out of the section into the exit, which was really frustrating. I originally had a laser on the right but it got changed to a rocket. I don't setting on saying "I'm going to use all enemies." It's more of soft goal to keep in the back of my head. A "what haven't I tried in this map" sort of thing to make sure I explore all options. If it just so happens a chaingun or drone worked better there I would have used it.

The laser proved the simplest enemy, provided enough unique moments of player to be rewarding, without really providing too much threat to a player that late in the map. It could kill you if you mess up, but a skilled player would pass on his first or 2nd try. Which is what the last enemy in a long map like this should do. Be a small hurdle after a long challenge. Plus if you try to save the gold in the top for last it can be interesting as the laser sneaks out of the pit and gets up top.

If you want, resub the map with your changes, I'm sincerely interested in what you think would work better in that section.
Both the laser and the area that it's in are both variables. If changing the enemy doesn't work, you should change the map. Create an area in which a laser will create interesting gameplay.
But as an experiment try removing the laser and see how that section plays. Then try a chaingun/seeker there. I did all of those things, even tried a gauss in that room. And while not a hugely impacting enemy it does have merit in that spot.

Not trying to argue, but I don't think you really tested out what you said...


what zthing said ^^
Demo Data


It's not bad. There are just a couple of bits that bore me - the laser section, for example. The laser drone did nothing in that area. If you're going to try to use all the enemies in one map, try to create a map that utilises them all in a thoughtful manner.

Sorry if i'm coming off harsh, as this is actually a very good map for the most part, with a nice flow and some good aesthetics. 3.5^/5.
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here's may agd

good demo btw.
Demo Data


Nice difficulty throughout.
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but this is a 55% done Agd
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