Thumbnail of the map 'PLC'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mr_Mongoose
Tags action author:mr_mongoose flowy plc rated
Created 2011-02-05
Last Modified 2011-02-05
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Dug this up from my second mappack. I enjoyed it and thought I'd submit it here :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Officers of Lloyd Street (Dub Mix)' Thumbnail of the map 'Entropolis' Thumbnail of the map 'ᴀᴀ-ᴀ' Thumbnail of the map 'Bear in mind' Thumbnail of the map 'ᴀᴀ-ᴃ' Thumbnail of the map 'ᴀᴀ-ᴄ'
The Officers of Lloyd Street (Dub Mix) Entropolis ᴀᴀ-ᴀ Bear in mind ᴀᴀ-ᴃ ᴀᴀ-ᴄ


Pages: (0)

feels like PLC programming

I take it back

Not nearly as easy as I thought it would be.
I have a better route but thee rocket gets in the way 99 times out of 100 so I'll leave it here.
Demo Data

gameplay - 4
thumpnail - 3
style - 3.5
mechanics - 3.5
difficulty - middle
Very classic map. Should be a episode map

I'll try for sub-1000 soon, should be easily possible
Demo Data