Artful Dodger

Thumbnail of the map 'Artful Dodger'

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Author ETele-DAD
Tags adventure author:etele-dad hard mines playable puzzle unrated
Created 2011-06-26
Last Modified 2011-06-26
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is the trickiest mine dodger I've ever made. EVER. Because I've been on Numa before (not sure what my username was).

Would love to see someone speed run it. Oh yes, the difficulty is fairly balanced, too. Hard as hell, but balanced.

Other maps by this author

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atheist Midas' Touch Not a moment too soon Personality of Split


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Sure, E-Tiles are easy, but I wanted to lengthen the endurance as much as possible. However, I do agree. This map was made at 1am, so I wasn't exactly in peak condition. Still a decent map, though.

Agreed with {bleh}

Not hard. Please don't get into the mistake of confusing long for difficult. I'm actually disappointed after the first 3 maps from this account, they were all better than this.

I don't want to be seen as self-gratifying or anything like that, but this is an example of a minejumper that's actually hard: (On an unrelated note, its been 2 YEARS since I've made that?!) Here's a different kind of difficult minejumper, that I also really enjoyed playing:

Now with all this being said, I hope you continue making minejumpers as they're one of my favorite kind of maps to play.

by no means is this hard... its really quite easy... and the E tiles make it easier...

I like!

Make more of this! :O