A new way to flow

Thumbnail of the map 'A new way to flow'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset unrated
Created 2012-10-12
Last Modified 2012-10-12
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tommy_Wiseau requested I leave ratings on. So here.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tell us to stop' Thumbnail of the map 'No cloud in the sky' Thumbnail of the map 'FEAR ME FOR I AM KRAKEN' Thumbnail of the map 'Darkness and negative matter' Thumbnail of the map 'Can't stand you even more' Thumbnail of the map 'An imminent drop to the depths'
Tell us to stop No cloud in the sky FEAR ME FOR I AM KRAKEN Darkness and negative matter Can't stand you even more An imminent drop to the depths


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nice map

Haha, yea.

Probably should have put a 2-tile next to that to make it slightly easier (and somewhat more evident).


...nevermind im a moron its easy hahahah FUCK...


...well here is a completion lol... did you intend for us to get up to the switch at the top left? that corner jump thats possible or the way i went about getting up there?

...anyways i hate corner jumps, but i like this map because it looks good and play well with some good hard sections...

Demo Data

I played YOUR MAP.

The map was good. I liked the flow, contrary to destiny.

Tommy Wiseau is actually a pretty cool guy in person. He signed my box of bear paws and he let me touch his hair.
This is the old way to flow.