Incredible Emotions

Thumbnail of the map 'Incredible Emotions'

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Author Drakostax
Tags action author:drakostax highscore unrated
Created 2013-07-21
Last Modified 2013-07-21
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I also took this [] and made a map outta it.
Hooray for copy/paste!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'T.E (I) - 05' Thumbnail of the map 'T.E (I) - 06' Thumbnail of the map 'Sail Faster' Thumbnail of the map 'Six Weeks' Thumbnail of the map 'Privilege' Thumbnail of the map 'Slimey-shot'
T.E (I) - 05 T.E (I) - 06 Sail Faster Six Weeks Privilege Slimey-shot


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Thats Perfect

Out of curiosity, what else would you have changed?

Do you think

that you will have it done by today?

I think that there should be some gold in these areas:

But I want the gold to be in your style so if you don't want gold in those areas or want gold in other areas feel free.

Good luck
Here is the deal. This minimaps was put together by 6 people. but I told them all not to put in any gold. I wanted a single person to put in all the gold so there is a constant gold theme throughout the whole map. I would like you to help me with that. I will give you the map as it is and you can put the gold in. That way even though all the parts are made by different people all the gold is the same style, yours.

Please respond

So I know if you are in or not, then i can send you the map and stuff.
And I need your help. Can you help me finish it off?

@woutery, most of my maps are designed with the 'get a highscore' aspect in mind. I prefer to have a easy-to-access exit so the player can call it quits on the gold whenever they want.
As a bonus, it usually allows for some neat speedrunning opportunities, too :P

slow AGD

just did it, didnt think about technic lol.
Demo Data

AGD (slow)

Moderate/high difficulty towards getting an AGD.
Completion is easy, as usual. Enjoy!
Demo Data


It's too easy.
Demo Data

You nearly didn't leave anything behind of the original tileset... i don't like that about it. I actually only "re-objected" it.