Death race

Thumbnail of the map 'Death race'

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Author jirka
Tags author:jirka race unrated
Created 2014-01-24
Last Modified 2014-01-24
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description If you want to win, you have to survive 2 laps, but careful new hidden enemies will go after you. Enjoy :)

Other maps by this author

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Use the trap doors Curved Broken elevator Jump training


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Reminded me of myself, when I started mapping. Insane

wow I came off as such an asshole, I don't know what I was thinking. Sorry ;)

I obviously liked it enough to beat it, that cheated demo took me quiet some time too :)
But this was surprisingly fun! Having to balance my jump just right going up the right side was satisfying, and nice use of floorguard up at the top.

Thanks for tips

I'll simply post that level and see if you will like it.

Don't worry

My first races were absolutely horrible, worse than this. It has good concepts, just there's too many objects and some funky sections. Quality races take a lot of time and skill, just keep practicing.

Depends on what kind of frustrating, if I die over and over then no it would be annoying. But a sharp challenge would always be fun. I can help.


I won't make races anymore it's too hard to create.

firstly the maps way too clutered, also the flow is really awkard. Secondly, it's cheatable
Demo Data