Behind Enemy Lines

Thumbnail of the map 'Behind Enemy Lines'

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Author shadenshaft
Tags action author:shadenshaft playable rated
Created 2006-01-06
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description Hard! 4 drones and a rocket- see if you can do it!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Randomizer' Thumbnail of the map 'What? Where!?!' Thumbnail of the map 'The Ride' Thumbnail of the map 'Chained Fury' Thumbnail of the map 'Chinese Finger Trap' Thumbnail of the map 'Spelunker's Folly'
The Randomizer What? Where!?! The Ride Chained Fury Chinese Finger Trap Spelunker's Folly


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is there...

any reason why i have 10 votes but only 1 person bothered to comment?
figured youd notice that...
Leave a comment!

heres ...

the demo by the way
Demo Data

sure have turtle...

by the way nice to see your still trying to cheat my maps (good to have a second editor)


darn...youve improved
Demo Data
and im supposed to know what your thinking by mindreading?