
Thumbnail of the map 'Ominous'

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Author nevermore
Tags action author:nevermore playable rated
Created 2006-01-17
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description This is a completion of astheoceansblue's tileset Amongst the Ruins of Mother Earth.
Highly symbolic. I strived to include a style similar to astheoceansblue. It's up to you to decide whether or not I did that succesfully.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'terminalackery go!' Thumbnail of the map 'Atonement' Thumbnail of the map '+Hb!l=|' Thumbnail of the map 'That's Terrible News!' Thumbnail of the map 'Logarithm' Thumbnail of the map 'Plush'
terminalackery go! Atonement +Hb!l=| That's Terrible News! Logarithm Plush


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I like this.

Oh, and as for your comment about Evanescence; all to our own tastes ;)

Faved and 4.5.
Demo Data
I wish I could propel off a trap door when going up. i want to propel to the left or right after going into the air. but when its like this....

|<Trap door

i cant find a way to go left on this, without using a Thwump or launch pad....or bounce block. it limits me if i want to use only trap doors.

This is in DDAs of course. But im sure you could figure that out. Any help will be appriecated.


Like the title man. But I would like to ask you something. You may remember me saying how much I liked Magnotechnology, and how much I want to make one as good as it? I would sincerly like your opinion on my recent DDAs, and more importantly, tell me how I can improve. Oh, and I look forward to your upcoming DDA.

Anyways, about this level, props to astheoceansblue for making this tileset. (And your right, it is symbolic. Post apolyptic scene, a terrible nuclear winter, stuff like that.) And though I don't know astheoceansblue and his levels that well, I have played them, so I see how it fits his style. But i would also like to see your style on this level.

Also, this is random, but, are you any good at puzzles? i haven't see a lot from you...

Pretty much I give the best maps 4.5/5. I would never, if i had the chance, even give my own 5/5. mainly cause i haven't seen anything perfect.

I would probably give most of mine a 4 or lower, actually.... Anyways, I'm rambling on too much. So, 4.5/5, the "great fun level" grade from me. Good job.

Oh, one more thing...Just because I'm curious....Do you have a level called "Quoth the Raven"?

If not, you should....soon.

Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Lenore!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.


That was the wrong demo.
Demo Data


I'm not quite sure what's confusing you, but if you're just having difficulty grasping how to move around the map, I suggest you try exploring a bit. You'll be surprised - certain modes of transportation from one place to the other. will reveal themselves in places you might not expect.
Demo Data

I'm unsure of this

The first part is really cool. Kind of reminds me of tktktk's sift. After that, I'm not really sure. To me it feels a bit like you tried to think of ways to emulate my style to fit into your idea, rather than create something of your own that was fun. What I mean is, it all looks very much like something I would do, but I just can't get a feel for it.

Maybe it's late, and I've drunk hella amounts of coffee, so I'll hold of voting for now and try again tomorrow. I'd like to see a demo of yours if you have one to give me some kind of idea. I mean, I do see where you're going, I just don't see how I'm supposed to get there myself...

I'll quit rambling. I'm quite honored that you made something from this, btw.


just say 5/5
5/5, game set and match.