
Thumbnail of the map 'Incline'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author BuddyLee
Tags author:buddylee playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-01-24
Last Modified 2006-05-01
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description A difficult jumper puzzle with no enemies or mines, with the intent of very short load times and simplicity. Please only rate if you enjoy this sort of thing. Fluid runs are very difficult, but any demos are welcome. Enjoy.

Build Time: 4.5 hrs

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Demo Data

here is one...

i love this map. it's really awesome. funfunfun!
Demo Data
3.5/5, enjoyable, but blank and empty

beat in fifth try.

I am good at this...but I didnt get a demo...


here's a completion demo, no frame-by-frame and very, very minimal editing. Took extra time in the 'S' to show all my efforts. I'd like to see faster if anyone's up for it.
Demo Data


Wow the simplicity of this map completely works me, I tip my hat to buddylee.

Cool, fun map.

3.5/5. Maybe next time try to add some gold. The level just seems to empty. It was still very fun though.

make level

took that long to make it, about another 45 mins for a demo (cut down to about 3k frames, will post soon)

Shorter demo

same death/cant make
Demo Data

Im stuck

cant make the jump
Demo Data


I give up it is hard. Is 4.5 hours the time it took you to make this level or complete a demo?