Quickiddy Pacidy

Thumbnail of the map 'Quickiddy Pacidy'

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Author geebeer233
Tags author:geebeer233 playable race rated
Created 2006-01-26
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description It seems to have a somewhat relationship to sonic the hedgehog. Very fun and easy. try not to cheat. You might die if you cheat. To enjoy the level as it is, Go through the whole thing please.

Other maps by this author

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Ballistic missile system Elevators Freefall crossing The Deadly Box Mushroom Valley- The race against life and invisible bridges Rigged Tunnels


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only a

small bit of flow, but even then, its hard to find

no rating


this what you wanter?
Demo Data

Play Testing Works

Never place a launch pad directly where you want the ninja to go, put them one 1/2 click lower so that they go properly = avoids death ;D


Too many doors but i died at a corner. 3.5/5.0