
Thumbnail of the map 'Whizz-Bang'

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Author Nayt
Tags action author:nayt playable unrated
Created 2006-02-19
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description play it, and youll understand the name...
and rate if you comment plz

Other maps by this author

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ChurchFire coffee at midnight charge! Straight and Narrow 3E Long Race


Pages: (0)

can you say

really annoying? the sound is horrible. gameplay was alright.


i didnt think of that because i always have the sound off and listen to music as i play... my bad


Well if you have the sound on, it tends to get a tad annoying...

calm down

its just a little effect, they arent supposed to kill you.

I think...

he's asking you "what on earth were you thinking when you put those rockets in the walls (considering they don't do anything in the first place)?"

No rating from me, anyways.
Demo Data


what do you mean?

Is it

pronouced "Action" or "Idiots"?