just a little lonely really not dangerous chaingun drone

Thumbnail of the map 'just a little lonely really not  dangerous chaingun drone'

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Author starburst
Tags action author:starburst playable unrated
Created 2006-02-27
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I had no better name for it.
Should be an entry for the one-enemy-contest.
I hope nobody got this idea before.
Play it! Rate it! Write comments! ENJOY IT!

I want to see demos!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'walk' Thumbnail of the map 'up to the top' Thumbnail of the map 'chaos' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone X-press' Thumbnail of the map 'stairs' Thumbnail of the map '8 soldiers'
walk up to the top chaos Drone X-press stairs 8 soldiers


Pages: (0)


1) 4/5??? This map has 0 votes. You didn't vote me.

2) Sometimes the right jumppad kills you?!
You aren't allowed to fall onto it!
I wasn't allowed to use a mine:
then the level would have two enemies!!!


I kind of like it. This jump pad on the right usually killed me for no reason sometimes. Even if I fall into it slowly it 1/6th of the time kills me. I'm sure most people will have a hard time getting the top right switch too.
But all in all cool. 4/5


Another of your maps.
Better get playing.